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How to collect contemporary artwork and be happy

How to collect contemporary artwork and be happy

Among the most exciting experiences for an art lover is undoubtedly that of admiring or collecting a contemporary work of art. Anyone with such curiosity can visit us at the Edarcom Europa art gallery in Rome, where we will be happy to accompany you to discover works by great contemporary masters.

In contemporary art there are multiple artistic experiences.

From the 1960s to the present, in fact, traditional techniques have been accompanied by experimental research that has given rise to a triumph of creative expressions.

The languages of art have been the consistent response to the social, political and technological evolution of the contemporary era to them.

It is therefore not surprising that, given the evolution of communicative markets and platforms, which are increasingly digital-oriented, the most recent experiences contemplate increasingly less tangible forms of art, such as NFT, as well as a market partly oriented toward blockchains.

In this whole stimulus that fascinates the viewer with its innovative and disruptive aspect that characterizes them, artistic creation in the most traditional sense remains imperishable as the most fulfilling experience for the human soul: the fascination of admiring or, even better, collecting a work of contemporary art encompasses the exciting awareness of the direct and immediate relationship between the creation and the will of fruition thought by the artist himself.

No mediation, no screen, no degree of separation that would risk cooling down the original communicative intention.

The artistic gesture fascinates by its vibrant viscerality.

This is precisely why the Edarcom Europa art gallery, since 1974, has been accompanying experienced collectors and new art lovers in the stimulating discovery of works by great 20th-century masters and esteemed contemporary artists.

Absolutely not to be missed is the chance to take a walk through the gallery to admire the authenticity of painters and sculptors who have been able to reinvent the artistic language with their creativity while remaining steadfast in the skillful use of timeless techniques.

Among the more than 40 artists treated by the gallery it is worth mentioning: Enrico Benaglia who, with his original and symbolic iconography, introduces into a world as poetic and profound as the depthes of an unconscious populated by fantastic characters.

So does Lino Tardia: his works describe a desire to return to the origins, in a space-time relativity that is declined in Mediterranean memories reduced to the synthesis of the stroke. Thanks to this, his works are rich in intensity.

Ennio Calabria is a great observer of the change of times and society; in fact, his artistic language reflects his energetic desire to investigate the relationship between life and art in its social implication.

The figures tend toward a swirling abstraction almost a reflection of the instability of today’s relationships.

Ernesto Piccolo‘s pictorial stroke, on the other hand, is deeply poetic. The vibrant and lively palette contributes to the creation of compositions paced as if they were poetic verse; he subjects portrayed recall models suspended between the terrestrial and mythical worlds.

Franco Fortunato with his works in a surreal medieval order, is capable of introducing to a metaphysical reality immersed in the depths of a blue that amplifies his atmosphere of fairy-tale dimension.

And again
Carlo Roselli, by his travels to the great European capitals and his great passion for theater and entertainment, returns glimpses of a smoky worldliness, made up of card games in the busiest Parisian cafes and scenic city views.

Of these and the other artists featured in the catalog, the gallery boasts a collection of more than four hundred paintings, sculptures, litographs, silkscreens and engravings, the fruit of the talent of the great 20th-century masters and the overwhelming passion of contemporary artists.

The staff will be happy to accompany the visitor to discover the authenticity and variety of artistic languages covered.