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Discovering Art with the Jubilee

Discovering Art with the Jubilee

2025, the year of Jubilee has arrived: the city of Rome is ready to welcome more than 30 million pilgrims.

The Jubilee, Christian celebration with 725 years of tradition, actually has a Jewish origin: the Torah established a year of rest at the end of the seven cycles of productivity of society, that is to say at the end of “seven weeks of years, seven times seven years". In this year the landowners would have their original possessions back, captives and slaves would be freed and the heavenly mercy would be manifested by celebrating the remission of debts and the rest of the earth.

The origins of a very important anniversary.

It is precisely from the Hebrew lemma Yōbēl (literally "ram" in reference to the ram’s horn played to inaugurate these great sacred ceremonies) that the Universal Jubilee of the Catholic Church, established in 1300 by Pope Boniface VIII, originates. First conceived with a time interval of one hundred years, then reduced to fifty years, until reaching the current ordinary celebration every 25 years. Exceptionally, the Pontiff in office may call for an extraordinary Jubilee on the occasion of important events of considerable importance, as happened in 2015 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council.

The opening of the Holy Doors.

The Holy Year grants the remission of sins and celebrates reconciliation, conversion and sacramental penance. The Jubilee begins with the iconic opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica and continues with those of the other three great basilicas in Rome: San Giovanni in Laterano, Santa Maria Maggiore and San Paolo fuori le Mura. The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in their pilgrimage, visit these four emblematic stages and cross the holy doors opened exclusively for this occasion.

The opportunity to discover unusual places in Rome.

The Jubilee has also always been an opportunity to know and rediscover the Eternal City in all its magnificence. Faithful, curious, scholars and enthusiasts are lost in the beauty of the capital, among squares and alleys, in a journey through its history, its traditions and its art. 

If you are thinking of planning a visit to Rome, among the many itineraries to discover less touristic areas of the city but animated by a lively presence of commercial activities and cultural attractions – as well as the high quality of the offer in the enogastronomy field – let us recommend a walk to discover the Appio Latino district, where San Giovanni in Laterano, one of the four Sacred
Basilicas, Jubilee pilgrimage destination, is located.

Discovering the Latin Appio.

In the immediate surroundings, you can continue your exploration to discover natural and artistic treasures: the Aurelian Walls stand out in the urban landscape in memory of the wall erected between 270 and 275 A.D. by the emperor Aureliano; the Via Appia Antica, also called the regina viarum, is a real open-air museum with its immense heritage of history; the Parco della Caffarella stretches over 190 hectares and is astounding for its extension and the many natural and archaeological testimonies. And, just along the main path of access to this great natural monument, deserves a mandatory stop one of the most interesting and lively exhibition spaces in Rome, the art gallery Edarcom Europe.

An Art Gallery not to be missed.

Located at the beginning of Via Macedonia, shortly after the intersection with Via Latina, the art gallery Edarcom Europa, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2024, is a reference point for curious and passionate collectors of paintings, sculptures, lithographs, serigraphs and engravings by timeless masters of the twentieth century and extraordinary interpreters of the contemporary art era. In its salons are regularly organized in-depth exhibitions about the work of the artists treated in order to present more fully their languages and techniques.

We suggest the visit of the gallery also to those who do not already have a passion for collecting works of art and are curious to discover a fascinating world that through a multiplicity of expressions can talk about our times in ways always new and stimulating.

The staff of the gallery will accompany you in the view of the large exhibition with care and, if you want to consider the idea of buying a work of art for yourself or your loved ones, the personnel will advise you and guide you with courtesy and without commitment to the best choice for your needs. In this way you can enrich your stay in Rome with an experience that, we are sure, will always come back in your memories with the warmth and pleasure it deserves.

Obviously, the gallery takes care of the packaging with the utmost attention and carefully selects the couriers to ensure that the worldwide shipment of the purchased works is carried out with maximum safety and punctuality.